New Delhi: This morning, a 57-year-old businessman died after getting a bullet shot by two bike-borne men in the Farsh Bazar area of Delhi’s Shahdara district. The victim businessman was identified as Sunil Jain and he was returning home on a scooter with his friend after a morning walk at Yamuna sports complex. Also according to the reports from Delhi police, at this time at least 7 to 8 rounds of bullets were fired.
Also after investigation, the officials of Delhi police stated that the victim was a resident of Krishna Nagar in New Delhi and he runs a utensils business. Delhi police had multiple discussions with the victim’s family members and they stated that he did not have any rivalry with anyone. In an interview with NDTV the friend of this businessman who also went for this morning’s walk said that fast shooters told a victim that his phone had fallen off and they then asked him his name. After that one of them got down from the bike and opened fire.
“Then the businessman told them not to shoot at him but they did not care about his words. Everything just happened within 2 to 3 minutes and the shooters were masked” the friend said.
After that, the two accused ran away with their bike from the spot. On the other hand the deputy commissioner of police, Shahdara stated that “the crime team has reached the spot where further investigation is underway”.
Last words
That’s it my friends in this article we have provided each and every piece of information regarding this news and the Delhi police are still working on this case. And we hope the police will find out the two accused as soon as possible. Also if you read this whole article very carefully and you have any questions regarding it in your mind please inform us and give your point of view in our comment section. To get more crucial updates on international news, international politics, sports, or entertainment then please bookmark or website.